Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Michelle Ten Eyck, Military Sex Assault Victim: If I Had To Do This Over, ‘I Would Live In Silent Misery’

Huffington Post reports:

Michelle Ten Eyck, a civilian employee at Fort Bliss, Texas, underwent months of physical and psychological trauma at the hands of an Army coworker before she successfully put it to an end. With her attacker, Maj. Geoffrey Alleyne, a chaplain and 24-year veteran, serving a six-month jail sentence, Ten Eyck spoke out last week about how difficult she found it to pursue action within the military’s chain of command.

In an interview with KFOX following Alleyne’s court-martial, Ten Eyck said her allegations had first been ignored by coworkers. Later, some reacted with “hatred,” she said.

“If I had to do this over again, I would live in silent misery and I would never, I would never report again,” Ten Eyck said, speaking about the “retaliation.”

Read full story here.