Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Washington Examiner: Claire McCaskill’s ex-allies attack her over issue of sexual violence

Washington Examiner talks to Protect Our Defenders’ Brian Purchia:

Protect Our Defenders says McCaskill brought the criticism on herself with three recent public statements.

“We decided to publish this open letter from Terri Odom when we did because of Sen. McCaskill’s recent remarks on the issue that have rightfully upset many victims,” said Brian Purchia, the group’s spokesman. “She owes them an explanation.”

The remarks that so upset her former allies include the suggestion that McCaskill would support Gillibrand’s proposal only if there’s a drop in the number of victims coming forward or if fewer sexual-assault predators are convicted “five years from now.”

In the same interview, with The Nation, McCaskill defended her proposal, arguing that having a commander decide to prosecute a sexual assault sends a message to others in the unit and “gives [the victim] a level of protection you will never have when everyone knows a bunch of outside lawyers have bought your bull.”