Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Huffington Post: The Rise Of Kirsten Gillibrand: How Hillary Clinton’s Heir Is Winning Battles And Silencing Critics

The Huffington Post profiles Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY):

Gillibrand, 46, has approached politics with the same sense of urgency. Most recently, as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, she has pushed relentlessly to reform the military justice system, following a volley of reports showing thousands of cases of sexual assault going unpunished, with disastrous results.

It’s a stain on the military that has shown no signs of fading since 1991’s infamous Tailhook scandal. Gillibrand and most advocates believe the best solution is to remove the reporting and prosecution of such cases from the military’s chain of command, thereby taking away the incentive for officers to cover up deplorable conduct in their own units.

Gillibrand was within a handful of votes of passing an amendment designed to do just that on Nov. 21. But that was also the day that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) decided to nuke Republican filibusters of White House nominees, making collateral damage of Gillibrand’s measure.

Read more here.