Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Think Progress: Spending Bill Increases Funding To Military Sexual Assault Programs

Think Progress reports:

Within the bill, designed to flesh out the budget agreement between Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) last month, appropriations for the Department of Defense have been overall reduced from the previous fiscal year. That’s not the case, however, for funding allocated towards the Pentagon’s Sexual Assault and Prevention Office (SAPRO), which has been fully funded to the tune of $156.5 million. Likewise, the omnibus goes beyond the Obama administration’s request in adding another $25 million to the budget to implement DOD’s Sexual Assault Special Victims Counsel program.

The omnibus bill also prevents spending funds that would circumvent the provisions contained in the latest National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) increasing the penalties against perpetrators of rape and sexual assault. The fiscal year 2014 NDAA, signed into law in December, mandated that soldiers and officers who are convicted of sexual assault will face dishonorable discharge. The bill, now law, also removed the ability of commanding officers to reverse jury decisions in cases of rape and sexual assault, increased the legal assistance provided for victims, and formally banned acts of retaliation against victims who report assaults.

Read more here.