Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Year in review: Air Force Times’ top stories from 2013

The Air Force Times rounded out 2013 with their top stories:

Generals overturn convictions

Third Air Force commander Lt. Gen. Craig Franklin set off a conflagration among victim advocacy groups and lawmakers in February when he overturned the sexual assault conviction of a lieutenant colonel and fellow fighter pilot.

Three months earlier, a jury of officers had convicted Aviano Air Base, Italy, Lt. Col. James Wilkerson of sexually assaulting a sleeping house guest and sentenced him to two years in prison and a dismissal — the officer equivalent of a dishonorable discharge. As convening authority with the final say in the case, Franklin reversed the jury’s verdict. Wilkerson was released from prison and returned to duty. He was later forced to retire.

Caught up in the controversy was Lt. Gen. Susan Helms. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., blocked her nomination to vice commander of Space Command because Helms had overturned the sexual assault conviction of a captain at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., in February 2012. Helms has since announced her retirement.

Read more here.