Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Editorial: Gillibrand becoming a power in D.C. with fight to curb military sexual assaults

The Buffalo News Editorial Board writes:

The coincidence of the two news stories could hardly have been more potent. On the front page of Monday’s Buffalo News was an article by Washington Bureau Chief Jerry Zremski on the rising and well-deserved influence of Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand, D-N.Y., mainly on the strength of her persistent efforts to reform the way the U.S. military handles sexual assaults.

Yet a story inside the same edition documented the need, even in the face of continued resistance, for Gillibrand’s legislation, or a serious alternative. The story was replete with shocking details. At U.S. military bases in Japan, most service members found culpable in sex crimes did not go to prison. Their punishments were generally limited to fines, demotions, restriction to base or expulsion from the military.

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