Protect Our Defenders News Blog


As reports of military sexual assaults grow, Senate does nothing

Washington Post Columnist Petula Dvorak writes:

The examples are becoming too ridiculous to ignore, don’t you think?

On Thursday, the military’s sexual assault morass was on display on both shores of the Potomac River.
On the Virginia side, Pentagon officials admitted that the Army’s top man in charge of prosecuting sexual assault is being investigated for allegedly groping and trying to kiss a lawyer at — of all places — a conference on sexual assault.

Crazy, right?

Meanwhile, on the District of Columbia side of the river, the Senate decided that, nah, the country doesn’t need a dramatic overhaul in the way the military handles sex assault cases.

Wonder what those senators make of Lt. Col. Joseph Morse, who also supervises a cadre of other special-victims prosecutors for the Army. These lawyers handle the really sensitive stuff, including domestic violence and child abuse.

Read more here.