Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Gillibrand should keep up the pressure to end sexual assaults in the military

The Buffalo News reports:

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has proved a number of things in her important and honorable battle to protect women in the armed services. One of them is this: She knows how to fight.

Gillibrand came out on the losing end of her battle to wrest control over prosecution of sexual assaults away from the chain of command, in favor of trained prosecutors. But she raised the profile of the issue enough that when – not if, but when – it’s shown once again that commanders aren’t up to confronting this critical issue, she will be all but unstoppable.

The most frustrating aspect of last week’s vote is that a majority of senators supported the bill. Fifty-five of the chamber’s 100 members backed the measure, including 10 Republicans. But because of a filibuster threat, the legislation required 60 votes and it fell short.

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