Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Baltimore Sun: Breaking the silence

Protect Our Defenders Advisory Board Member Brian Lewis is featured in this investigative series from the Baltimore Sun that appeared on the front page:

“It makes you do a complete about-face in the way that you view the world,” says Lewis, who was 20 when he was assaulted in 2000. “Really, it’s a day-to-night experience.”

Now 34, the large-framed Lewis still carries himself with the bearing of a sailor. He wears his dark hair closely cropped, and speaks in direct and precisely crafted sentences. He lives in Anne Arundel County with Andrew, his partner of five years.

In March, he became the first man to testify before Congress about being sexually assaulted in the military. He is one of a small group of male victims now breaking a decades-long silence.

Read more here.