NBC News: Defense deal minted, but Gillibrand sexual assault amendment dropped
NBC News reports: Lawmakers announced a sweeping agreement Monday to pass a long-awaited authorization bill for the Defense Department before...
New Yorker: The relentless rise of Kirsten Gillibrand
Protect Our Defenders is featured in this article from the The New Yorker: This Fall Gillibrand gave interviews to Fox,...
San Antonio Express-News: Commanders a big part of the problem
The San Antonio Express-News Editorial Board calls on Congress to pass the Military Justice Improvement Act: Commanders have been part...
Doonesbury: Garry Trudeau simply sums up need for fundamental reform
Doonesbury creator and Protect Our Defenders Advisory Board member, Garry Trudeau shows exactly why we need to fundamentally reform our...
Huffington Post: The Rise Of Kirsten Gillibrand: How Hillary Clinton’s Heir Is Winning Battles And Silencing Critics
The Huffington Post profiles Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY): Gillibrand, 46, has approached politics with the same sense of urgency. Most...
New York Times: New York’s Junior Senator, Doggedly Refusing to Play the Part
The New York Times reports: If her colleagues grumble about her ambition in a body where freshman members are applauded...
Slate: Goodbye to George III
Eugene Fidell wrote an article Slate.com, that succinctly explains why Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Military Justice Improvement Act (MJIA) is desperately...
Air Force Times: Discharge upheld for airman who reported sexual assault
Protect Our Defenders President Nancy Parrish is featured in this article from the Air Force Times: Protect Our Defenders president...
Bangor Daily News: Sen. King should give military assault victims a voice: Remove cases from chain of command
Caroline Baldacci, an eighth grader and Student Council president at James F. Doughty School in Bangor, Maine calls on Senator...
PRESS RELEASE: Airman and Victim of Sexual Assault Forced Out of Military After Reporting Attack, Misdiagnosed with Personality Disorder
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 4, 2013 Contact: Brian Purchia, brian@protectourdefenders.com *** PRESS RELEASE *** AIRMAN AND VICTIM OF SEXUAL ASSAULT...
Stars and Stripes: Secretive Air Force program recruits academy cadets to inform on colleagues and disavows them
Stars and Stripes reports: “It was exciting. And it was effective,” said Thomas, a soccer and football player who received...
USA Today: Prosecuting rapes in the ranks: Our view
The USA Today Editorial Board calls on Congress to support Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Military Justice Improvement Act: Prosecutions alone won’t...
National Journal: Why the Senate May Do Nothing About Sexual Assaults in the Military
Protect Our Defenders Advisory Board member and Tailhook whistleblower Paula Coughlin is featured in this article from the National Journal:...
Midlands Voices: Reforms critical to address sexual assault in military
The executive director of the Women’s Center for Advancement.calls on Congress to support Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Military Justice Improvement Act:...
Salon: Sen. Gillibrand: Chuck Hagel “has not shown leadership”
Salon reports: In a recent Politico Magazine piece, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who has been on a righteous crusade...
San Antonio Express-News: GI sex-assault victims face battle for disability benefits
Protect Our Defenders Advocacy Committee member Brian Lewis is featured in this story from the San Antonio Express-News: Sexual-assault victim...
Guest Blog: Fighting For Justice
By Sarah L. Blum ARNP Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland lead a group of powerful women colleagues on the Senate...
Update: A Message From Tailhook Whistleblower Paula Coughlin
Last week Tailhook whistleblower and Protect Our Defenders Advisory Board Member Paula Coughlin sent the following message to supporters and...
Charlotte Observer: Give rape victims better military justice
The Charlotte Observer calls on Congress to support Senator Kirsten GIllibrand’s Military Justice Improvement Act: Gillibrand’s plan is backed by...
Washington Post: Hidden face of a military problem
Protect Our Defenders Advocacy Committee member Brian Lewis is featured in a piece by columnist Ruth Marcus: Lewis’ experience sounds...
Dallas Morning News: Editorial: A stronger plan to curb sexual assaults in the military
An editorial from the Dallas Morning News calls on the Senate to pass Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Military Justice Improvement Act:...
[VIDEO] ABC News: Senate GOP Objects to Vote on Gillibrand, McCaskill Sex Assault Amendments
ABC News reports: But Reid would not offer that assurance, creating a standstill on the defense authorization bill. Sen. Carl...
Staten Island Advance: Seeking sexual justice: A dilemma for America’s armed forces
An editorial from the Staten Island Advance supports Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Military Justice Improvement Act: But the Pentagon and the...
Huffington Post: Kirsten Gillibrand: John McCain Was Wrong Then, And He’s Wrong Now
Huffington Post reports: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) criticized Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for not supporting her proposal to remove military...
[VIDEO] ABC7: Military sex assault: Senate begins debate on plans
Protect Our Defenders Advisory Board member and Tailhook whistleblower Paula Coughlin is featured in a report from ABC7 News in...
The Hill: Durbin endorses Gillibrand’s amendment
The Hill reports: Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) announced his support Wednesday for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-N.Y.) sexual assault...
Huffington Post: It Is Time to Change the Culture of the Military and Change Attitudes About Sexual Assault
Tailhook whistleblower and Protect Our Defenders Advisory Board Member Paula Coughlin writes an op-ed for the Huffington Post: Senator Kirsten...
Talking Points Memo: Military Commanders Have Already Failed Assault Victims — Why Trust Them Again?
Protect Our Defenders President Nancy Parrish writes an op-ed for Talking Points Memo: Each of these cases clearly illustrates that...
USA Today: Senate begins debate on military sexual assault plans
USA Toda reports: The Senate began consideration Wednesday of proposals to overhaul how the military justice system handles sexual assault,...
Washington Post: Poll: 6 in 10 support changing how military handles sex assault cases
The Washington Post reports: Nearly six in 10 Americans believe that decisions on whether to prosecute allegations of sexual assault...
New York Times: Senate Majority Leader Backs Gillibrand on Military Assault Measure
The New York Times reports: Its sponsor, Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Democrat of New York, said Mr. Reid had shown...
Washington Post: Reid becomes 50th backer for Gillibrand’s military sexual assault bill
The Washington Post reports: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced his support Tuesday for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-N.Y.) bill...
PolicyMic: Military Sexual Assault is a Growing Problem, But We’re Not Doing Anything About It
Protect Our Defenders Policy Director Miranda Petersen is featured in this PolicyMic article: In an op-ed she wrote for Huffington...
USA Today: Take commanders off sexual assault cases: Column
Kim Hanks, the victim of sexual assault at Aviano Air Base writes an op-ed for USA Today: Commanders don’t need...
PRESS RELEASE: Protect Our Defenders Responds to Inaccurate, Unfounded Criticisms of Military Justice Improvement Act
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 19, 2013 Contact: Brian Purchia, Brian@protectourdefenders.com *** PRESS RELEASE *** PROTECT OUR DEFENDERS RESPONDS TO INACCURATE,...
Remarks from Kate Weber at Military Justice Improvement Act Press Conference
Today, Protect Our Defenders Advocacy Committee member Kate Weber joined Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to share her personal story of assault,...
Democrat and Chronicle: Vote near on Gillibrand plan to address military assaults
The Democrat and Chronicle reports: To get 60 votes, Gillibrand said she may narrow her proposal to cover only sexual...
Huffington Post: Who Will Stand With Military Sexual Assault Survivors When It Counts This Week?
Paul Rieckhoff, Founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America write for the Huffington Post: While this year’s National Defense...
Washington Post: [VIDEO] This week’s fight on military sexual assault
Washington Post’s Post TV reports: The Senate will begin debate on a bill that sets military pay and defense policy....
Politico: Kirsten Gillibrand to push original sexual assault measure
Politico reports: Gillibrand had floated the change as a way to pick up a filibuster-proof 60 votes for her amendment...
PRESS RELEASE: Protect Our Defenders President Nancy Parrish Releases Statement Responding to Senator McCaskill’s Proposed Changes Regarding Military Sexual Assault
"Senator McCaskill and others who oppose fundamental reform keep tinkering around the edges. While some of the changes they are proposing will do some good, none will provide for fundamental reform of the currently conflicted and frequently biased system...
Video: At emotional rally, senators renew push to revamp military sexual assault cases
The WaPo reports: A broad cross-section of the U.S. Senate renewed its push Wednesday to dramatically overhaul how the Defense...
Gillibrand: Justice for sexual assault victims near on Capitol Hill
The NY Daily News published an op-ed recently by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand on the issue of military sexual assault. Senator...
Politico: Sexual assaults not scaring off female recruits
Politico reports, citing Protect Our Defenders President Nancy Parrish: Victims advocate groups like Protect Our Defenders get a number of...
USA Today: Senators seek to protect military sex assault victims
USA Today reports: The issue of sexual assault in the military seized public attention earlier this year after a Pentagon...
New York Times: Reports of Military Sexual Assault Rise Sharply
The Times reports, citing the support of POD advocate Ariana Klay: On Wednesday, Ms. Gillibrand made a broad push in...
The Nation: Military Stifling Support for Sexual Assault Reforms, High-Ranking Officer Says
Attorney Susan Burke is featured in this article from the Nation: As Congress debates MJIA, commanders have encouraged service members...
Protect Our Defenders to Present Before Congressional Panel on Epidemic of Military Sexual Assault; Calls for Independent and Impartial Military Justice System
Table of Contents Read Media Advisory (below) Read Protect Our Defenders’ Prepared Statement Download Attachments Submitted to the Panel FOR...
Veteran Ariana Klay and Husband Ben Klay Call for Fundemental Reform at Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Press Conference
This morning, Protect Our Defenders member, and veteran, Ariana Klay, along with her husband Ben Klay spoke at a press...
Protect Our Defenders to Present Before Congressional Panel on Epidemic of Military Sexual Assault
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2013 Contact: Brian Purchia, (202) 253-(202) 253-4330 brian@protectourdefenders.com *** MEDIA ADVISORY ***