Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Ex-Marine’s suit over sexual assault case faces uphill battle

Protect Our Defenders is featured in this McClatchy News article:

In the Senate, meanwhile, Klay and her allies appear short of the votes they’d need to remove sexual assault cases from the standard military chain of command.

“We owe impartiality to our troops, harmed or accused,” she said at a news conference last November organized by Protect Our Defenders, an advocacy group for military victims of sexual assault, “and we owe it to their commanders to free their time so they can do what they do best: train ready forces, win our nation’s wars and protect our freedom.”

The long-debated legislation putting sexual assault cases on a different military legal track is slated for a Senate vote in several weeks. Supporters of the bill, authored by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., claim 54 committed votes, short of the 60 needed to break a filibuster.

Read more here.