Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Former police officer brings his law enforcement expertise to SAPRO

The Air Force Times reports:

Dave Thomas stumbled into his calling. It was 1980 and Thomas, a junior business and history major at Towson University in Maryland, chose a course called women in perspective to fulfill an elective requirement.

“I learned a side of history that wasn’t taught in my normal history classes,” Thomas said recently from his Pentagon office. “I was learning how, for so many centuries … women and children were considered chattel. I saw how that structure contributed to violence against women, how it gave entitlement to men in society to treat their property as they saw fit.”

The more Thomas learned, the more he became intrigued — and impassioned — by issues of violence against women. He steered his college fraternity toward adopting as its social action project an organization that assisted battered women.

Read more here.