Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Group shines a light on victim backlash in military sex assaults

Protect Our Defenders is profiled in this article from the Military Times:

Three years ago, a friend and congresswoman shared a story Nancy Parrish could not forget: A former sailor was brutally raped by a colleague, denied medical care, encouraged to keep quiet and, ultimately, kicked out of the Navy with an incorrect medical diagnosis.

Parrish, the daughter of World War veteran, had followed the Tailhook fiasco in 1991 — when more than 100 Navy and Marine Corps aviation officers were alleged to have sexually assaulted at least 83 women and seven men — and the Aberdeen Training Ground, Md., scandal five years later, when the Army brought charges against 12 commissioned and noncommissioned male officers for sexual assault on female trainees.

“Like most Americans, I thought the military was addressing these issues and it was getting better,” Parrish said.

Read more here.