Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Guest Post: Survivor Terri Odom on the Government Shutdown

Protect Our Defenders Advocacy Board Member Terri Odom submitted a guest blog post on the government shutdown.

Dear Veteran Brothers and Sisters,

As we all go through this most difficult time in our nation with the government shutdown I know more than ever; we must stand firm together! Our bond is unexplainable to the private sector. No matter what era or branch we served; we share that 1% status and can be proud of our noble service to our country.

I realize many of us within the MST community have trust issues. Especially with our government. Many of us have been through enough red tape fighting for health care and other VA benefits; I know stress is for most of us already on over-drive! So this pending doom and media free for all is not settling well with our anxiety and PTSD.

I have faith that our leaders in Congress will come to common ground for the good of the American people. Now more than ever we need to reach out to each other-No Politics when it comes to eyes and ears on each other.. I leave no man or woman behind. Please, stay strong through this. Try to breath and know; there will be an end to this mess in DC.

Keep this number: 1-800-273-TALK. We Got This! God Bless America.