Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Navy Times: House votes to give more support to sex assault victims, improve investigations

Navy Times reports:

Both votes came on amendments to the 2014 defense appropriations bill and
address problems discovered as lawmakers reviewed how sexual assault cases
have been handled. The bills are sponsored by Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif.

Military sexual assault victims have told Congress that reporting a rape or
assault can often lead to the victim being forced out of the service for a
mental disorder, especially in cases where the person who attacked them is a
senior person in their command.In an amendment supported by Rep. Joe Wilson,
R-S.C., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s personnel panel,
Speier proposed — and the House agreed — to have the military identify
people who reported a sexual assault and were later separated for a mental
health problem, giving them a chance to have their records reviewed.

Read full article here.