Protect Our Defenders News Blog


New York Times: Reports of Military Sexual Assault Rise Sharply

The Times reports, citing the support of POD advocate Ariana Klay:

On Wednesday, Ms. Gillibrand made a broad push in an effort to drum up 60 votes in support of her measure.

“There is no accountability,” she said during a news conference on Capitol Hill. “Because the trust that any justice will be served has been irreparably broken under the current system, where commanders hold all the cards over whether a case moves forward for prosecution.”

Ben Klay, a former Marine, choked up as he described the ordeal of his wife, Ariana Klay, a former Marine officer who was sexually assaulted.

“I’m lucky I married someone so strong,” he said, as Ms. Gillibrand and Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, appeared to cry. “Even though she still suffers.”

Read the full article for more.