Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Protect Our Defenders Calls for Congressional Hearing Amid Coast Guard’s Alleged Sexual Assault Coverup

June 11, 2024

Protect Our Defenders Calls for Congressional Hearing Amid Coast Guard’s Alleged Sexual Assault Coverup

Survivors and advocates urge Congressional committees to investigate recent claims from former Coast Guard Academy sexual assault response coordinator following resignation

Washington, DC – Today, Protect Our Defenders (POD) – the pre-eminent national human rights organization dedicated to ending sexual violence in the military and combating a culture that has allowed it to persist – called on The House Comittee on Transportion and Infrastructure and The Senate Commitee on Commerce, Science and Transportation to hold a hearing investigate the Coast Guard’s alleged deliberate cover-up of decades of sexual assault and abuse.

Today, CNN broke news that the former Coast Guard Academy sexual assault response coordinator resigned after top leaders directed her to lie to Congress. Shannon Norenberg, who joined the Coast Guard Academy as part of her mission to help survivors, was instructed to tell survivors that Congress was fully aware of the Coast Guard’s cover-up operation to “dissuade the victims from contacting their Members of Congress.”

Late last year President Biden signed an executive order implementing the most transformative military justice reform following a military sexual assault survivors led campaign from Protect Our Defenders that secured the support of President Biden to ensure that no victim’s boss is able to decide whether they receive justice. The new legislation empowers independent military prosecutors to determine whether those accused of sexual assault, rape, murder, domestic violence and other serious offenses will be prosecuted. Protect Our Defenders remains vigilant, ensuring these historic reforms are implemented across all armed services.

Protect Our Defenders Senior Vice President, Josh Connolly, former Chief of Staff for Rep. Jackie Speier (former Chairwoman of the Military Personnel Subcommittee on the House Armed Services Committee), released the following statement:

“This is deeply disturbing, especially in light of all the work Congress and the White House have done to address military sexual violence. Despite significant reforms, the pattern of blatant resistance to transparency and accountability persists.

“Survivors must be our top priority, and the Coast Guard, like other branches of the military, requires comprehensive reform to address these systemic issues. This is not the first time the Pentagon has misled Congress. These revelations underscore the urgent need for action. It is critical that both Congress and the Pentagon provide more robust support for survivors.

“We call on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation to hold hearings to investigate this cover-up and ensure those responsible are held accountable. Protect Our Defenders is committed to holding military leadership accountable and ensuring justice for all survivors, especially in light of these cover-ups.”


About Protect Our Defenders: Protect Our Defenders is the pre-eminent national human rights organization dedicated to ending sexual violence, victim retaliation, misogyny, sexual prejudice, and racism in the military and combating a culture that has allowed it to persist. We seek to honor, support and give voice to the brave women and men in uniform who have been sexually assaulted while serving their country, and re-victimized by the military adjudication system – a system that often blames the victim and fails to prosecute the perpetrator. Learn more about Protect Our Defenders at or on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter at