Protect Our Defenders News Blog


San Antonio Express-News: Commanders a big part of the problem

The San Antonio Express-News Editorial Board calls on Congress to pass the Military Justice Improvement Act:

Commanders have been part of the problem, those accused of assault sometimes are part of the chain of command. Placing the decision in the hands of knowledgeable legal experts — military prosecutors — is obviously part of the solution then.

The commanders have been lobbying hard against Gillibrand’s proposal. This is more about refusal to give up turf and authority than genuine concern for good order and discipline — as if commanders’ failure to prosecute valid cases isn’t more of a threat in this regard anyway.

The military’s failure to more meaningfully combat the problem has not earned further deference. Military leaders should consider the adage that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Senate will return this week to take up the defense authorization bill again. It has already thoroughly debated these two amendments.

McCaskill’s proposal has good features, but its undue deference to commanders isn’t one of them.

Read more here.