Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Bill Is This Close To Being Passed

NYU Local reports:

Sexual assault in the military has been at the forefront of controversy on the Hill and on the airwaves in recent years. Efforts to address the issue have resembled an uphill battle, but there is a very real chance of it finally being addressed properly thanks to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and her targeted Military Justice Improvement Act (MJIA).

The bill aims to reform the currently unsound military justice system by introducing an independent military justice system which includes allowing victims to report crimes outside of the chain of command and separate crimes uniquely military in nature from crimes that should be heard at a criminal court, such as sexual assault.

This would eliminate the pre-existing prejudices of those that lead a military court towards sexual assault victims and give the victim a proper prosecutor and the suspect a proper defense.

Read more here.