Justice for Vets
(703) 575-9400
Justice For Vets is dedicated to transforming the way the justice system identifies, assesses and treats our veterans, leading the national effort to put a veterans treatment court in reach of every veteran in need.
They provide training and technical assistance to help communities bring together local, state, and federal resources to directly serve veterans involved in the justice system due to mental health disorders, trauma, and substance use.
- Ex: The veterans treatment court model requires regular court appearances, as well as mandatory attendance at treatment sessions, and frequent and random testing for drug and alcohol use.
Justice For Vets has helped establish over 200 veterans treatment courts and trained over 3,000 court staff. In addition, Justice For Vets has conducted 16 volunteer veteran mentor boot camp training, serving 1,000 veteran mentors representing 125 communities across 30 states.
Note: Justice For Vets does not and cannot offer legal advice or substance use/mental health services. If you are seeking legal or clinical assistance, please visit our resource page.