Protect Our Defenders News Blog


St. Louis Beacon: McCaskill takes issue with rival approach to deter military sexual assaults

St. Louis Beacon reports on Protect Our Defenders’ campaign:

In fact, Protect our Defenders, a group of such victims that backs Gillibrand’s approach, is targeting McCaskill as part of a pressure campaign – including social media and newspaper ads – to recruit senators to its side before the full Senate votes on the issue, probably in September.

“It is incomprehensible to victims that the senator from Missouri would stand in the way of reforms that survivors themselves have been calling for,” said the group’s leader Nancy Parrish, in a statement.

To drive home that message, the group bought a half-page ad in the Post-Dispatch this week featuring an open letter from Terri Odom, a Navy vet from Imperial who says she was sexually assaulted while in the service in 1986. Last year, Odom had publicly backed McCaskill’s re-election campaign, praising her work on the military sexual assault issue.

Read full article here.