Protect Our Defenders News Blog


Think Progress: Programs To Assist Victims Of Military Sexual Assault Remain Running During Shutdown

Think Progress reports:

The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) is based within the Pentagon, coordinating similar activities throughout the military’s branches. Though funding has expired for the vast majority of the government, many of the Defense Department’s programs remain up and running as “essential,” or “approved” in the preferred jargon. And it seems that the Pentagon has determined that the men and women who work one-on-one with victims are, in fact, essential to the military’s efforts.

“Our staff is affected by the Government shutdown like most DoD program offices, but military and contracted support remain on duty,” the SAPRO website currently reads. It also informs that its services remain available to soldiers, as its email inbox and phone lines remain manned. “Victim services available through the DoD Safe Helpline are uninterrupted at,” it continues.

Read more here.