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US News and World Report: Military Panel to Hold Public Meeting on Sexual Assault

US News and World Report reports:

The general public will have 15 minutes to comment on sexual assaults in the military at an open meeting Thursday arranged by a panel tasked with studying the troubling trend.

The meeting follows shocking revelations of abuse throughout the military’s ranks. An Air Force general announced earlier this month he will retire after overturning a conviction of sexual assault against one of his star fighter pilots.

Two midshipmen on the football team at the U.S. Naval Academy remain under investigation for charges of rape. A brigadier general formerly in the 82nd Airborne, accused of forcibly sodomizing a subordinate among other charges of indecency, will face a court-martial in March. And a recent Washington Post report exposes a spate of misconduct from senior officers across the services, the most common incidents of which were related to sexual or personal misbehavior.

Read more here.